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Chefs of the week and Year 10 Sweatshirts

Chefs of the week and Year 10 Sweatshirts

Niralee Pattni
Niralee Pattni
Chefs of the week and Year 10 Sweatshirts

My year 7 class have been doing the food and nutrition project and have been working really well to develop their practical skills. They have been learning about the bridge and claw method, using a combination of ingredients, using their senses to analyse foods and of course the best part, cooking and making the foods too!

Each week I nominate students who have worked really well, as my Chefs of the Week! Last week, we saw Zayaan, Mason, Maisie and Amelie earn this title with their colourful cous cous salads and this week it’s Stephan, Selene, Millie, Katie, Raluca and Layla with their great team work, speedy preparation and delicious looking pizza snacks!

Year 10 have been working hard to develop their making skills using a very common but challenging fabric; stretchy sweatshirt jersey They have become confident sewists, setting up the machines, tackling patterns and working through complex instructions, to create these super cosy sweatshirts, just in time for Christmas!

A big well done to all!

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