Dyslexia Awareness Week (4th-10th October)
Last week was Dyslexia Awareness week and to celebrate this, Mrs McDermott and I launched a new dyslexia lunch club for all year groups in A1a. The dyslexia lunch club was started...
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Last week was Dyslexia Awareness week and to celebrate this, Mrs McDermott and I launched a new dyslexia lunch club for all year groups in A1a. The dyslexia lunch club was started...
Posted by Emma Denton
Sunday 10th October is World Mental Health Day. The theme for this year, as set by the World Federation for Mental Health is: Mental Health in an Unequal World. It is only by...
Posted by Claire Till
Last week I had the pleasure of experiencing my first in-person Open Evening event at Bushey Meads School. It was a busy evening with a lot of families joining us to get a feel...
Posted by Claire Till
It was great to see so many parents and carers attend this week’s Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening, engaging with the important subject information talks across...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was so nice to re-launch our hugely popular annual ‘Come Dine with Me’ event on Wednesday of this week and welcome over 100 parents and carers to Bushey Meads to...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
A buzz of activity resonated from the classrooms of Humanities and Social Sciences on Thursday last week during Open Evening. The Geography department offered you the chance to...
Posted by Sandra Kinghorn
On Thursday 16th September 2021, BMS welcomed parents of year 5 and 6 to our open evening. Despite this being my 25th BMS open evening, it was my first as an assistant headteacher...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
With all of the excitement with Africa Day students were gearing up for the annual African experience at Bushey Meads. Students had the opportunity to partake in an array of...
Posted by Michael Besisira
During this week’s enrichment day, Year 8 experienced all things Africa organised by Mr Besisira. Year 8s completed some research into a country of their choice and turned this...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
World Book Day Competitions Once again Bushey Meads’ students showcased their outstanding creativity and baking skills by producing a wide range of book-themed cakes, to recognise...
Posted by Teresa Turton
Last week was Dyslexia Awareness week and to celebrate this, Mrs McDermott and I launched a new dyslexia lunch club for all year groups in A1a.
The dyslexia lunch club was started with the aim for dyslexic students to feel further supported within the school and to create a community within Bushey Meads. Which was a great success!
To celebrate the launch we had a host of activities, resources and plenty of food.
I was delighted with how many students attended and took part in activities.
We also provided students with resources such as overlays, dyslexia friendly books to read and for students to explore the use of Google Read and Write.
Students were asked to suggest top tips that helps them manage their dyslexia, both inside and outside the classroom. Below are some of the students’ recommendations:
“Read more so you get better at spelling and structuring sentences.”
“Use the resources available e.g. Google read and write, overlays and target texts.”
“Use small flash cards to remember class work.”
“Use a special handwriting pen”
Lastly, a huge thank you to all staff that helped make this event a huge success.
Plus a reminder that the dyslexia lunch club is every Wednesday in A1a.
Thank you to all students and staff who attended the Charity Movie Night on Thursday 18th November. The event was attended by over 160 students from years 7,8, 9 and 10 and was...