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BMS Student Swims the length of Lake Windermere!

BMS Student Swims the length of Lake Windermere!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
BMS Student Swims the length of Lake...

As a school community we love to celebrate the achievements of our students both in and out of school. We were delighted to hear about one of our Year 10’s latest long distance swimming accomplishments which took place last month.

Starting off from Fell Foot Park in Cumbria, Prisha in 10 Ash swam for over 6 hours non-stop and managed to swim the whole 10.5 mile length of Lake Windermere – England’s largest lake. Her amazing achievement brought her support kayak paddler to tears – it was an emotional accomplishment and something we are all very proud of!
Prisha featured in a recent Watford Observer article as one of first National Level Open Water representatives for Watford Swimming Club. In the competition she actually became one of the youngest swimmers to swim the lake: 

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