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BMS FLAIR Evening Tuesday 16th November

BMS FLAIR Evening Tuesday 16th November

Victoria Hargreaves
Victoria Hargreaves
BMS FLAIR Evening Tuesday 16th November

On Tuesday evening this week, we had the greatest pleasure to be able to invite 648 students and their parents to our FLAIR evening to launch our More Able theme for this year – GUSTO. There was an incredible turn-out to 3 separate events and it was lovely to see so many families in the hall again.

GUSTO is defined as feeling enthusiasm and enjoyment in doing something. It encompasses the idea that when our students are happy, they are more successful. Happiness is a work ethic and a mindset that we can all cultivate. Happiness is a choice.

Every faculty has been involved in creating a GUSTO handbook, which is full of ideas to offer students opportunities to find enjoyment in completing More Able work. Many of the GUSTO projects offered in the handbook are cross-curricular, allowing students to find elements of enjoyment in subjects that they may not necessarily enjoy the most in school. We believe that there is always something that can be enjoyed in every subject and that if we can tap into that, we will surely only do better.

The GUSTO handbook is available on our school website in the More Able section for students to access, so please do take a look and send any completed work to to collect your reward points and possibly feature in a future newsletter.

We are sure that you will find some inspiration in our GUSTO booklet, which can only contribute to your personal growth and success.

A personal thank you from me to everyone who participated in any way in the organisation of our FLAIR Evening, but with special thanks to Angelina (Y8), Briana (Y8). Kush (Y8), Darius (Y10), Trishan (Y10), Amber (Y11), Annabel (Y11), Rakchiga (Y11), Harley (Y11), Phoenix (Y13), Verity (Y12), Bethany (Y13), Gabriela (Y13) and Head Boy, Bhuvan (Y13) for their performances on the evening.

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