Regular Routines Supporting Engagement

Regular Routines Supporting Engagement

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Regular Routines Supporting Engagement
Key Stage Maths Coordinator Miss Barker-Dunmill led the Friday Faculty Focus in Staff Briefing at the end of last week and reminded all staff of the power of regular routines at the start of lessons that support immediate engagement of students with their learning. The ‘Do Now’ activity which all staff provide at the start of the lesson can be a low stakes activity to ensure success for all, differentiated to ensure elements of stretch and challenge are provided for all students as appropriate.
Teaching across multiple classrooms, Miss Barker-Dunmill designs her starter activities in a written format and she was happy to share these with all staff as a model of best practice. It made for a great final ‘tip of the week’ to support our ongoing improvement journey related to teaching and learning across the school.

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