Reflections on 30 years at Bushey Meads

Reflections on 30 years at Bushey Meads

Roger Newbold
Roger Newbold
Reflections on 30 years at Bushey Meads

Little did I know that when I was appointed as Head of History in 1991, I would still be at the school 30 years later. So having reached this landmark I thought it time to retire and “kick back” before I can no longer “cut the mustard”.  As a history teacher, I am very interested in change and continuity and I certainly have seen a lot of changes over the years, although also many things which have stayed the same; mainly the brilliant staff we have at BMS (although individuals have come and gone) and the wonderful students we have (well most!).

I can remember when I came for my interview, I struggled to find the main entrance. It seemed tucked away and hidden by the trees. The current signage did not exist then. The school site was- and has – remained pleasantly green and leafy with “homely buildings”. Inside though there have been lots of changes. My first classroom was G2 which was still fitted out with butler sinks and deep drawers for accommodating portfolios of artwork. Far removed from what it is now as an IT suite. Interestingly, the pendulum now seems to be swinging the other way as banks of chrome books mean that we no longer need designated IT rooms.

Another change I have seen has been uniform, changing from blazers and ties to polo shirts and sweatshirts and now back to blazers and ties albeit with different coloured stripes depending on the house. I think the introduction of the current house system has been one of the best changes I have seen at Bushey Meads as it encompasses a whole range of activities and events not just sports as the old Olympic-themed house system seemed to do.

Due to the Covid Pandemic, school trips have been impacted in a negative way. Over the years, I have organised and accompanied other colleagues on many school trips. I think for many students when they look back, trips are one of the highlights of their school career. I hope the photographs give a flavour of the different destinations and students I have taken students to.

As mentioned above, I have had the privilege of working with many excellent teachers, teaching assistants and ancillary staff at Bushey Meads. I have been inspired by their excellent classroom relationships with students, their amazing resources and teaching strategies. Consequently, I feel that my own teaching has developed and improved to help me respond to the delights and challenges of everyday life at “the Meads” so that I can honestly say that there have been very few days when I have not looked forward to going to work!

Thank you and Goodbye!

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