FLAIR in MFL lessons

FLAIR in MFL lessons

Victoria Hargreaves
Victoria Hargreaves
FLAIR in MFL lessons
FLAIR week was a fantastic opportunity for our students to show-off their enthusiasm for languages and we loved seeing how proud the students are of their achievements. There was a huge variety of activities offered in both our Spanish and French lessons including Expert Students, Bronze/Silver/Gold homework options, Homework Challenges and our usual Stretch & Challenge yellow boxes in our lesson tasks.
Having a flair for languages is a real gift, because it means that learning a foreign language is a lot easier. However, as experienced language teachers, we have discovered that a positive mindset, patience, commitment and determination are the qualities really required to be able to leave school with real language skills, so we strive to make our lessons as enjoyable as possible to encourage those attributes. Learning a language doesn’t come easily to the majority, but we believe that it is accessible to all and it really is worth it. It takes years of practise, but when we hear our older students speaking with more confidence, we all reap the rewards!
Don’t forget that, Rome, La Cathedrale de Notre-Dame (Paris) and the Sagrada Familia (Barcelona) weren’t built in a day – building a language takes time but will lead to incredible accomplishments!
To all of our FLAIR students this week, gracias! merci beaucoup!

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