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‘Ash of The Titans

‘Ash of The Titans

Unami Tenga
Unami Tenga
‘Ash of The Titans

Since the last Ash house article there have been quite a few changes within the school. The house boards have been updated, the heads of house have been meeting to discuss future projects for students to compete in and most importantly the nearly all BMS students are back in school!

It is so good to have the students back in school and learning. Each morning I have tried to pop my head in to a few Character Development Groups just to see what activities they are partaking in that morning. I really do believe that the students get so much out of the CDC times in the mornings. Those 20 mins really shape their day. So thank you to all the Ash House CDC’s for the amazing job that they are doing each day with the students.

It gives me great pleasure to make mention of the students that have been doing well within Ash House. There are many students within our house that really do have a mind to be kind and they are really conscientious learners. Listed below are students with the highest reward points within their year group.

Year 7: Sebastien Jurecek (3rd in the whole school)




Year 8: Kyan Gurney




Year 9: Kaksha Chandarana




Year 10: Alex Green




Year 11: Jesse Beaven




Year 12: Gabriel Menuier-Murphy




Year 13: Samuel Bilson




I also want to remind the students of Ash house that our house assembly is coming up next week on the 17th March. The theme is motivation and I look forward to sharing my thoughts on motivation with you. In a time like this we have really needed to stay motivated. While you have been working from home you could have taken a lexed approach but from what i’m hearing from your teachers, you have really applied yourselves and made sure that you maintain the levels of excellence in your work. I commend you for this.

Finally, I would like to encourage each and every student to be kind and look for opportunities to brighten someone else’s day regardless of what house they belong to. We are a family here at Bushey Meads School and we should show it in our actions. I am happy to have you all back in school and I look forward to seeing out the rest of the year with you.

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