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Year 9 Devising Competition
This term drama students in year 9 have been tasked with creating an original devised piece of theatre as part of our annual year 9 drama competition. Students are given a range...

Year 12 Biology Field Trip
On Friday 29th June, Year 12 went on a biology field trip to Juniper Hall Field Centre in Surrey. On the trip we completed three required practicals: one studying light intensity...

KS3 Dance Showcase
This year the KS3 dance showcase included 60 students spread across Year 7, 8 and 9. Both the students and teachers worked really hard on making it the best it could be. The whole...

As this academic year draws to a close, we look back at the successful alumni events that have taken place throughout the year. Several ex-student have taken time from their busy...

Grateful Thanks!
It is always such an encouragement to all staff and students to receive messages of thanks and praise for the work that we all do at Bushey Meads School. Last week I received two...

BMS Art Exhibition Launches the Bushey Festival 2018
Many of our talented artists had their work exhibited at the very prestigious opening of the Bushey Festival 2018. Held at Reverley Lodge in Bushey Heath and attended by a number...

A Rite of Passage
On Thursday 28th June we paid a fitting tribute to our amazing Year 11 cohort at their final Year 11 Assembly and thanked them all for the superb contribution they have all made...

Prestigious Annual Rewards Evening
It was superb to welcome so many students, staff, parents and carers and Governors and Trustees to our prestigious Annual Rewards Evening last Wednesday in the Main Hall and a...

Year 7 Literacy trip to Harry Potter Warner Brothers Studio
On Thursday 28th June 64 year 7 pupils and 2 of our outstanding “Community Service” 6th formers Aaron Robinson and Hashim Minhas along with Ms.Bowe, Ms.Razavi, Ms. Mateides, Ms....