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Prestigious Annual Rewards Evening

Prestigious Annual Rewards Evening

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Prestigious Annual Rewards Evening

It was superb to welcome so many students, staff, parents and carers and Governors and Trustees to our prestigious Annual Rewards Evening last Wednesday in the Main Hall and a real delight to formally recognise the amazing effort and achievements of so many of our talented students. The evening started with an incredibly powerful dance ensemble piece from our excellent Year 10 GCSE Dancers and the giving out of awards was then punctuated with some additional very moving musical performances provided by two our our Sixth Form musicians Mica and Nathaniel.

We were really privileged to welcome Lieutenant Colonel Alhaji RAPTC as our inspirational guest of honour who spoke very powerfully about his own life and the attributes of determination, resilience and having a growth mindset approach to achievement – even in the face of adversity.

As we reviewed the academic year it was a fitting moment in time to pay tribute to all our hard working and dedicated staff who each and every day support all students to Aspire to Achieve. I would also like to thank all the superb staff involved in arranging such a great evening – it was definitely one to remember.

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