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A special moment in time for Year 11

A special moment in time for Year 11

Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
A special moment in time for Year 11

On Friday 4th May Year 11 students gathered in the main hall for their final assembly before the GCSE exams. Exams Officer Mrs Thomas talked the students through the exam regulations and what to expect over the next few weeks.

As ever we are promoting eating well for optimum concentration and will be providing all Year 11 students with free bananas and still water before each exam. This will aid concentration levels for the students as they sit their exams.
The students were also issued with their own copy of the Maximising Achievement Timetable which details when the special two hour revision lessons will take place before each exam.
Before being dismissed to go to their period 1 lessons the students were then given an individual special message of support and good luck from their parents and carers. The Year 11 students were not expecting this and it was moving to see how pleased they were to receive this card – not a dry eye in the house!
We are all incredibly proud of how hard the Year 11 students are working in their lessons and attending all the additional support on offer including revision sessions, Study Saturday’s and lunchtimes in the LRC.
Good luck Year 11!

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