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A Level Study Saturday Sessions

A Level Study Saturday Sessions

Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
A Level Study Saturday Sessions

With the A level examinations looming, as a school we want to do all we can to support our hardworking students to ensure that they maximise their chances of success at this crucial time.

With that in mind we are looking to facilitate 5 Study Saturday sessions in the school’s Learning Resource Centre between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm each Saturday commencing on Saturday 27th April. Students are not required to attend for the full four hours and can arrive and leave when is convenient for them.These supervised Study Saturday Sessions aim to facilitate general revision and have been very successful in previous years in raising achievement. Practice exam papers will also be available for students to complete.

If there is sufficient demand we will also look to provide an additional two sessions on Saturday 1st June and Saturday 8th June.

I do hope that your son or daughter will consider attending these sessions to help them prepare for the upcoming examinations.

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