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Amazing Alumni News!

Amazing Alumni News!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Amazing Alumni News!

It was lovely to hear from the parents of one of our ex students Luke De-Venny; they emailed our outstanding A Level Law teacher Ms Knowles to say….

“I wanted to let you know that our son Luke graduated from Westminster University last week as a Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in Building Surveying. We are so proud of him and thrilled at his achievement.  I’ve attached a photo from the ceremony!

I wanted to thank you personally as I know Luke feels you in particular played a huge part in his academic success and educational development with your fantastic guidance, mentoring and advice.

Luke’s sister Christina has just taken her A-levels and his other sister Georgia is finishing year 8.  My husband and I feel so lucky that our children have been able to spend these important years at Bushey Meads in such a nurturing, happy environment with great teaching.

Thank you very much for all you did for Luke and I wish you a relaxing summer break.

Best regards

Jackie De-Venny”


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