A First for Bushey Meads – Fishing
On the recent Enrichment Day, 11 students chose to go fishing – a first for Bushey Meads School. We struck gold in securing the generous hospitality of a local angling club...
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On the recent Enrichment Day, 11 students chose to go fishing – a first for Bushey Meads School. We struck gold in securing the generous hospitality of a local angling club...
Posted by Roger Newbold
The art department are delighted to learn that three outstanding paintings by Bushey Meads students have been selected for the National Students’ Art Exhibition. In the...
Posted by Alan Heywood
The skill of debating is an ancient art form, with its roots in Ancient Greek society. Here at Bushey Meads School, we are determined to give debating a high profile, and so, in...
Posted by Liam Lester
After a really happy and successful Year 6 Transition Day last Thursday, it was good to welcome so many parents and carers at our highly informative evening in the Main Hall. Led...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
45 bleary eyed year 8s left BMS in the early hours of Mon 2 July on board a coach bound for Portsmouth. We stopped for an inpromptu McDonald’s breakfast before boarding our...
Posted by Nicola Paddick
It was a big day last week for our hard working Year 12 students. Having recently sat their hugely important PPEs or Pre Public Examinations, it was the time to get the results....
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Our brand new theatre space provided an excellent venue for our latest dramatic production – this time provided by the talented Year 10 Drama students. A very poignant...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We have some amazing student leaders at BMS – confident, articulate, passionate and inspirational! We were privileged to have four of the best at last week’s Full Governing...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Now an annual event in the school calendar, I would like to praise the efforts of all the hard working staff who made our 2018 BAFTA Awards such a success. The Bushey meads...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was a real privilege to join our hard working Head of Humanities Mr Newbold in judging the final of the highly prestigious House Debating Competition 2018. Chaired by...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On the recent Enrichment Day, 11 students chose to go fishing – a first for Bushey Meads School. We struck gold in securing the generous hospitality of a local angling club the Watford Piscators and the help and support of one of the boys’ parents who owns the Oxhey Angling Centre near Bushey railway station. Consequently the morning of July 11th saw us setting off to fish one of the club’s lakes down Tolpits Lane.
Hoping for a bite
Fishing friends
It would be good to report that all student caught fish but angling being angling that was not to be although all enjoyed their day out. The best fish was a carp of about 6lbs whilst small roach, rudd and even crayfish were also caught.
Small roach
Matthew’s roach
Landing the big one
Tom’s carp
At lunchtime we were treated to home -made oven baked pizza- students were able to create their own from a range of tasty toppings kindly supplied by the Watford Piscators. Delicious! However, the students were keen to resume fishing and so were soon back down by the waterside targeting more fish.
Pizza oven
With the lake being in a beautiful tranquil location with lots of wildlife and the sun shining after a rather cloudy start it made for a perfect day. I have organised many trips in my time at Bushey Meads but this one is certainly one of my favourites!
It was a real pleasure to be able to walk around and visit so many wonderful enrichment day activities last Friday. One of the nicest highlights was in the Year 10 French and...