Anti-Bullying Update
After a very successful Anti-bullying week the Ambassadors raised £116.00. The money raised was from sales of sweets and cakes And yes Bushey Meads students do love their sweets...
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After a very successful Anti-bullying week the Ambassadors raised £116.00. The money raised was from sales of sweets and cakes And yes Bushey Meads students do love their sweets...
Posted by Helen Mateides
This week, the maths leaders were instructed to give a presentation to other classes about the links between maths, projectiles and space! The presentation addressed what...
Posted by James Donovan
On the 14th of February 2020, we were given an opportunity to go to the Falcade in Italy for a skiing trip. At first it was a little intimidating to some of us visiting a...
Posted by Adam Lyley
Happy 1st Birthday to the Bushey Meads School therapy dog Bonnie! All the students had a lovely time celebrating with her on Tuesday 10th March!
Posted by Roa Dillon
As part of the celebrations for World Book Day students were invited to put their baking skills to the test and create book-themed cakes for a competition. The cakes were...
Posted by Teresa Turton
This term, Year 10 D&T students have studied the theory behind structural engineering. TENSION <> COMPRESSION <> TORSION <> BENDING <> SHEARING The...
Posted by David Chalkley
Last week all Year 10 students were off timetable on work experience placements that they had either sourced themselves or that had been organised by school. It was a really...
Posted by Beverly Biggerstaff
In a society where there are more and more distractions and activities that encourage us to be sedentary, we are very lucky to have such a great PE and Health Faculty at Bushey...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to hear from our talented Dance teacher Miss Noyan in Staff Briefing on Monday morning of this week and hear how effectively students in her highly practical subject...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Saturday 7th March 2020, a group of Year 8 and 9 students went to High Wycombe Magistrates Court to take part in a Mock Trial competition. This competition lets young people...
Posted by Lauren Wright
After a very successful Anti-bullying week the Ambassadors raised £116.00.
The money raised was from sales of sweets and cakes
And yes Bushey Meads students do love their sweets !!
£58.00 was given to the Herts Young Homeless
£58.00 was given to Bullying UK family lives
Students enjoyed making posters and comic strips which will all be entered into competitions; results to be announced in future articles.
From the small survey collected only 36 percent of our students said they had been bullied, but most had told an adult or pastoral.
Students had the opportunity to fill in comments.
Some of the comments collected said:
“ I think the anti-bullying ambassadors are amazing”
“ I think the anti-bullying representatives are doing a great job on bullying”
“The anti-bullying ambassadors are very active and welcoming”
“ This has been a wonderful event, making students feel safe and welcome”
“This is a good way to stop it”
“ Bullying is rare in school “
Is what you are about to do ….. a good idea?
What if someone was going to post a
photo or message about your
brother, sister, mother, father or friend?
If that thought makes you feel sad and angry ……
Then do not post it!
Qualities of an anti-bullying ambassador
Someone …
Here are out anti-bullying ambassadors for 2019/20Anaiya-Lily, Dylan, Megan, Owen, Natalia, Melina, Pritiha, Alayna, Daniel, Katie, Abenaa, Alex, Chloe, Dylan, Harry
Staff were delighted to receive a genuine and heartfelt thank you from three of our Student Leaders in our Friday Staff Briefing meeting last week. On behalf of all the students...