Keep Fit Every Day!
In our continued drive to support the green agenda at Bushey Meads we recently secured several thousand pounds worth of funding to provide a new smart cycle shelter near our...
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In our continued drive to support the green agenda at Bushey Meads we recently secured several thousand pounds worth of funding to provide a new smart cycle shelter near our...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Key Stage 3 Jathursan 8 Ash – Jathursan has been nominated for being an exemplary student. Jathursan has gained a massive 86 reward points in just over 3 weeks for being...
Posted by Kashan Malik
There was a tangible focus across the Design and Technology faculty during year 9 lessons last week. Students were engrossed in their projects and all teachers were modelling the...
Posted by Kashan Malik
NEWS It has been a very busy start to the year with some really impressive turnouts for the football and netball clubs in particular. A reminder that all our clubs are inclusive...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Posted by James Felix
On a very wet Wednesday morning it was lovely to walk through the maths block and see all the students thoroughly engrossed and engaged in their maths learning. Year 10 students...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Head of Elm House Mrs Pattni always makes us think in her inspirational House Assemblies and on Tuesday of this week it was no different. Under the theme of the week...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was inspiring to welcome Paul Clair the new dynamic Headteacher of Falconers School to Bushey Meads on Wednesday of this week. He visited classrooms and offices across our...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to see a large number of parents, carers and students at the Year 12 Information Evening on Tuesday this week. The evening started in the main hall with a warm...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
In our continued drive to support the green agenda at Bushey Meads we recently secured several thousand pounds worth of funding to provide a new smart cycle shelter near our existing cycle storage area.
We now provide nearly 50 spaces for students’ bikes and would like to encourage all students to consider cycling to school as a way of keeping fit and also helping to reduce our carbon footprint.
Do talk to your children about this initiative and encourage them to get a good cycle helmet and any appropriate cycle refresher training if needed.
The largest faculty in the school is the Humanities and Social Sciences faculty. All students in key stage 3 study have three lessons of humanities each week, studying geography,...
We are delighted to announce that one of our schools in the Multi Academy Trust is being rebuilt. This is incredibly exciting news, not only for the Trust, but also for the whole...