Lessons from History
They say that we can learn from the past to shape a better future so it is always good to visit history lessons at BMS and see students so interested and engaged. In Mr Dowty’s A...
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They say that we can learn from the past to shape a better future so it is always good to visit history lessons at BMS and see students so interested and engaged. In Mr Dowty’s A...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to visit a number of Year 11 lessons this week in Social Sciences and Humanities and see the Year 11 students really focusing on planning their key next steps...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was Aristotle who stayed that “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts” and this week at Bushey Meads we have seen many examples of how this becomes a reality here at...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Every new year brings a whole heap of resolutions, but why not make to ‘read more’ one of yours? As you will have seen from my other article this week, we’ve been busy in the LRC...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
We are delighted to announce that four Year 12 Business Students have reached the final of the rigourous and popular UK Subway Challenge beating hundreds of entries from across...
Posted by Marian Lewis
Every Friday afternoon Bushey Meads Language Leaders go down to Little Reddings in groups of four to support a Year 5 French class. We have a rota so that every language leader is...
Posted by Hilarie Charles
The importance of reading quality materials on a regular basis is key to success not only in school examinations but the wider world. Being able to understand and use a wide range...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
It is always lovely to see new friendships forming when Year 7 students join our school in September and also the old ones strengthened. In the School Restaurant on a daily basis...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Greg Knowles
Posted by James Felix
They say that we can learn from the past to shape a better future so it is always good to visit history lessons at BMS and see students so interested and engaged. In Mr Dowty’s A level history lesson student were being effectively supported to research the Russian Civil War using a resource framework in Dropbox and accessed via the school’s high speed Chromebooks. It was good to see the enthusiasm and focus on achievement.
On Thursday 14th March, a portion of Year 9 students were given the opportunity to visit the Imperial War Museum in London, and see the exhibits on the Holocaust and World War 1....