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Year 11 independent revision at lunchtime

Year 11 independent revision at lunchtime

Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Year 11 independent revision at lunchtime
The Year 11 revision programme was launched last week with targeted students being invited to after school sessions.

Attendance at these sessions has been impressive, with positive feedback from parents and carers:
‘Thank you for all the support you offer. My son really appreciated the English revision session. Thank you to the teacher, he loved her way of revision work’.
‘My son did say that the English literature revision session was very beneficial. Huge thank you to Mrs Jackson.
In addition the early morning extra Maths session’s have been great.  Thank you to all staff involved in organising and delivering of them.’
‘My son really found the revision class very good and useful. I would like to thank each and every teacher for their continued help and support towards helping him achieve his target.’
In addition to the after school revision sessions, students are able to use the LRC before school, during lunchtimes and after schools to complete independent revision, wither through using one of the many online learning platforms we subscribe too such as SAMLearning, Educake and Seneca Learning or through completing past papers.
Well done to Year 11 for their focus during this crucial time.
The LRC is an available space for the Year 11 students at lunchtime and after school for focused, independent revision. It is lovely to see the students use this space to complete past papers and use the computers for online learning.

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