Parking with consideration
Thank you to the vast majority of our parents and carers who always park with consideration when dropping off or collecting their child for school. Unfortunately, there is a small...
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Thank you to the vast majority of our parents and carers who always park with consideration when dropping off or collecting their child for school. Unfortunately, there is a small...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Logan 12W Logan has successfully made the transition from Year 11 into a mature, kind and highly motivated Sixth Former seamlessly. Logan has been appointed a Prefect and acts as...
Posted by Giles Monks
Posted by Maryam Razavi
After months of development in school and out, team SPECTRUM were ready to test their new robot against other schools in the county. This year’s competition involved collecting...
Posted by David Chalkley
Learning Assistant Safeguarding Officer Lead Practitioner – Science Science Teacher Business Studies Teacher Geography Teacher
Posted by HR
We often hear about poems, due to some of us having to learn about them, or it just being a major form of literature that has existed for a very long time. Some of us might think...
Posted by Natasha Collins
This half term brings a change in activities in PE lessons and students need to make sure they have the correct kit for all activities. A letter has been added to the google...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Identification and Transportation This means the extent to which the reader identifies with characters and situations and how much they become mentally and emotionally immersed in...
Posted by Lynn Court
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
After months of development in school and out, team SPECTRUM were ready to test their new robot against other schools in the county.
This year’s competition involved collecting discs and launching them into a goal. Every year the Vex competition challenges the students to re-engineer their robots to complete new tasks and challenges.
If you have an interest in robotics and programming, then come and visit us at STEM club after school on Mondays in the tech block.
This week’s STEM challenge involves some Engineering magic! Can you make your own electric motor? Please send any pictures or videos to me and we can share them in next...
This week’s STEM club focuses on ‘Girls in Engineering’. We are very lucky to have such talented female students at Bushey Meads School and none more so than;...