Parking with consideration
Thank you to the vast majority of our parents and carers who always park with consideration when dropping off or collecting their child for school. Unfortunately, there is a small...
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Thank you to the vast majority of our parents and carers who always park with consideration when dropping off or collecting their child for school. Unfortunately, there is a small...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Logan 12W Logan has successfully made the transition from Year 11 into a mature, kind and highly motivated Sixth Former seamlessly. Logan has been appointed a Prefect and acts as...
Posted by Giles Monks
Posted by Maryam Razavi
After months of development in school and out, team SPECTRUM were ready to test their new robot against other schools in the county. This year’s competition involved collecting...
Posted by David Chalkley
Learning Assistant Safeguarding Officer Lead Practitioner – Science Science Teacher Business Studies Teacher Geography Teacher
Posted by HR
We often hear about poems, due to some of us having to learn about them, or it just being a major form of literature that has existed for a very long time. Some of us might think...
Posted by Natasha Collins
This half term brings a change in activities in PE lessons and students need to make sure they have the correct kit for all activities. A letter has been added to the google...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Identification and Transportation This means the extent to which the reader identifies with characters and situations and how much they become mentally and emotionally immersed in...
Posted by Lynn Court
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
This half term brings a change in activities in PE lessons and students need to make sure they have the correct kit for all activities. A letter has been added to the google classroom for all parents of boys in KS3 regarding the need for a protective mouthguard for rugby. Extra-curricular clubs and fixtures continue with full details to be found in the calendar section of the school website.
It was great to see so many KS3 students actively involved in Inter House Cross-Country events before half term. There are many benefits both physically and mentally to be gained from taking part in competitive sport and the IH events offer the opportunity for large numbers of students to get involved. It was particularly pleasing to see the supportive nature of the students with some great evidence of team spirit amongst CDC groups. We are looking to really build on the success of this event with lots more Inter House sports competitions in the months ahead.
Well done ASH House – Champions !!
This years Inter House Cross-Country races saw the event take place in excellent conditions with the rain keeping away for all races and in most cases the sun shining.The effort levels in nearly all cases were really high with students applying themselves really well to score points for their houses. After 6 races ASH House came out on top with a massive 2088 points beating ELM house into second place. For those who find the event difficult we continue to reinforce the healthy lifestyles message and remind students they should be doing 7 hours of physical activity a week to maintain a normal level of fitness. The top performers in each race are entered into the District Championships and we look forward to hearing how they got on next week.
The top 3 finishers in each race were as follows :
Yr 7 Boys (F) | Yr 7 Girls (F) | Yr 7 Boys (S) | Yr 7 Girls (S) | |
1st | K Mistry MAPLE | O Isaacs WILLOW | R Hodgson SYCAMORE | E-M Wakeling OAK |
2nd | S Johnson ELM | A Gates ASH | B Spencer OAK | M Coffer ELM |
3rd | M O’Dea ELM | L Wells WILLOW | P Soteriou MAPLE | C Davter ELM |
Yr 8 Boys (1) | Yr 8 Girls (1) | Yr 8 Boys (2) | Yr 8 Girls (2) | |
1st | J Cunningham ASH | A Pointer SYCAMORE | J Dempster ELM | N Edirisuriya ASH |
2nd | L Bird MAPLE | L Brown OAK | S Jabarkhail SYCAMORE | V Melero ASH |
3rd | H McManus ASH | H Gascoigne MAPLE | W Horton ELM | M Rumney MAPLE |
Yr 9 Boys (F) | Yr 9 Girls (F) | Yr 9 Boys (S) | Yr 9 Girls (S) | |
1st | J Gladdy ELM | L Winslett SYCAMORE | S Jurecek ASH | L Qarib WILLOW |
2nd | L Fearnside WILLOW | G Gladdy ELM | S Mowle MAPLE | I Palan ASH |
3rd | B Okeke ASH | M Bazile BEECH | R Christou-Totesaut ELLM | L Dempster ELM |
The overall Cross-Country results for each year group were as follows :
Position | YEAR 7 | YEAR 8 | YEAR 9 | OVERALL |
1st | OAK | ASH | ASH | ASH |
2nd | MAPLE | ELM | WILLOW | ELM |
3rd | ASH | MAPLE | ELM | MAPLE |
PE kit
It is essential that students have the full correct PE kit for all lessons. This includes shinpads and black /yellow socks when participating in football lessons and also a pair of white sports socks for all other activities. Students will be reminded when activities change. Students not bringing the correct kit will instantly receive consequence points.
Girls should be wearing plain black shorts which are longer than the length of their PE shirt or hoody. Leggings should be black sports leggings and not see through. Black tracksuit bottoms are also permitted.
ALL jewellery should be removed prior to the start of the lesson, including earrings, and hair should be tied up.
For any parental enquiries about any aspects of PE contact the Head of PE and Health Faculty Ashley Cartledge . For any specific issues related to Girls PE and girls fixtures contact Sarah Cooper
This week has been a fantastic example of the extensive and varied provision for sport in the school. There have been District League football and netball fixtures across a range...
NEWS The PE and Health are continually trying promote student leadership in the subject area and last week I spoke of the new Year 10 Sports Leaders who have just started the...