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Bushey Meads English Faculty  Year 13 – Striving for Success

Bushey Meads English Faculty Year 13 – Striving for Success

Danielle Bowe
Danielle Bowe
Bushey Meads English Faculty Year 13 –...

GCSE English students weren’t the only ones working hard over Easter. Our A Level English Literature, Creative Writing and Language & Literature students were all in over the Easter holidays attending revision workshops run by Mr. Dawson, Ms. Connell and me. Again, attendance was superb and students appreciated the additional support they received.

This is a challenging time for our A Level students as they finalise their coursework whilst also having to balance the demands of revision. Keeping them going, no doubt, is their focus on their ‘prize’ envelopes this August!

Ms. Bowe’s A Level Language and Literature students working hard in their workshop

We will also be soon advertising my ‘A Level Essay Writing Clinic’. Due to the demands of the twilight teaching timetables, I will be running these on different weekly advertised days after school so that all A Level English students get the opportunity to attend if they wish. The aim of these sessions is to give students frequent timed writing opportunities outside of the already tightly packed teaching programmes within lessons.

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