Bushey Meads English Faculty Keep Going Year 11!
At Bushey Meads, our year 11 English students have been working exceptionally hard over the last month. This has undoubtedly set them up nicely for that all important final...
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At Bushey Meads, our year 11 English students have been working exceptionally hard over the last month. This has undoubtedly set them up nicely for that all important final...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Posted by Kashan Malik
GCSE English students weren’t the only ones working hard over Easter. Our A Level English Literature, Creative Writing and Language & Literature students were all in over the...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
The Year 13 Food Science and Nutrition class recently completed an online course in Level 2 Food Safety and Preparation by Virtual College. This means that, if I chose to work in...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
Muli mutya, With all of the excitement with Africa Day students were gearing up for the annual African experience at Bushey Meads. Students had the opportunity to partake in an...
Posted by Michael Besisira
Posted by Di Mcildowie
Lucie Kirby is the current highest achiever in Oak house with an amazing 285 achievement points. To add to this fantastic record, Lucie has not received a single behaviour point...
Posted by Andrew Symeou
On March 28th Law and Government and Politics students travelled up to London to visit Westminster and the Supreme Court. Despite the torrential rain, we arrived at Westminster in...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
On Tuesday, a group of year 10 and 11 GCSE Spanish students alongside pupils from Francis Combe, Bushey Academy and Queens attended a conference led by a senior examiner from AQA....
Posted by Sandra Garcia
Last month, as part of Bushey Meads’ strive towards greatness, Ms. Connell and I delivered a Monday Magic Moment to teachers on the benefits of becoming an examiner in your...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
At Bushey Meads, our year 11 English students have been working exceptionally hard over the last month. This has undoubtedly set them up nicely for that all important final revision programme and the countdown to their May/June exams.
Revision began in earnest long before February half term with a focus on GCSE English Language skills. Students hit the ground running straight after the holidays by sitting another English Language Paper 2 PPE. An onerous task, one might argue, but they most certainly rose to the challenge.
We designed the exam a little differently this time and it was delivered as a ‘Walking Talking Mock’. This, in essence, means they are ‘talked’ through tips, techniques and focus points for each of the questions before being left to write their responses independently. This happened both in the hall, and was also reinforced back in classrooms later in the week.
The principle behind a Walking Talking Mock is that students feel empowered and the experience is success making, rather than daunting. Hopefully, in the real exams, when they’re back in the hall, they can recall the success of their Walking Talking Mock and tap into that positivity, hopefully remembering the tips.
English staff have busy marking these papers and gathering trends feedback. There will be an important emphasis on students responding to that guidance and setting their own revision targets on the English Faculty ‘PPE feedback and target sheets’. There will also be opportunities to explore modelled answers and redraft their work. You could get involved at home by asking your child to bring home their feedback sheets and getting them to talk you through their successes and next steps.
Here are some of 11Wells gathering their feedback with Ms. Bowe
11 Wells feedback
It doesn’t stop there though!
Year 11 were back in school for a series of GCSE English Language and Literature revision workshops spread over two days during the Easter holidays. I joined Ms. Court, Ms. Connell, Ms Smith and Mr Lester in delivering these sessions and attendance was impressive. Making it all worthwhile were the many expressions of appreciation from year 11. A thank you goes a long way and we’re definitely ‘in it together’!
Ms. Smith running a creative writing workshop
Mr. Lester taking students through ‘An Inspector Calls’ revision tips
Just a quick reminder that GCSE English revision runs every Monday after school in LRC1 with a rotation of staff and revision topics advertised through English lessons. I will also be starting my ‘countdown to exams top tips emails’ shortly. Watch this space!
In recent weeks KS3 students have been taking part in a worldwide online competition with other schools, called Word Mania. Students had to make up as many words as they could in...