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SEND ‘Tip of the Month’ May 2021
Why do sensory behaviours happen? Imagine each of the 5 senses has a cup. Some cups are tiny, some are large. The student’s main focus is keeping each cup full, without having it...

Win £300 for Bushey Meads School!

Word of the Week: Quell

Mental Health Awareness Week – Staff Rounders
As part of mental health awareness week over 20 members of staff took part in a friendly – well supposedly friendly!! – rounders match on Wednesday afternoon. Split...

A Wonderful Mental Health Awareness Week
It was wonderful to see the school community coming together to celebrate Mental Health Awareness week in such a positive way. Activities across the week, embraced this years...

Inspiring Science
It was a real pleasure to see Ms Booth in action with a Year 7 class using fire from a Ruben’s tube and some nostalgic music in a fun and hugely enjoyed science lesson. A...

Student Engagement in Computer Science
Computer science is a very large subject with lots of applications. Computer scientists design new software, solve computing problems and develop different ways to use technology....

Mental Health Awareness Week
I would like to thank Mr Malik and all the staff and students who have been involved in all the activities across the school as part of the national Mental Health Awareness Week....

Sparkling in Science and Shimmering in English
Our year 11 Time to Sh9ne group completed their final two sessions in the sixth form centre this week. In Science the students were given advice by Mr Charmokly on the ‘long...