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2024 Black History Month

2024 Black History Month

Madeline Silla
Madeline Silla
2024 Black History Month

At Bushey Meads we celebrate key events marked in History and we want to celebrate the idea of Black History Month.


Below is a little bit of History which is why we celebrate Black History Month and to remember that we are in a world of Equality

It started by freeing a small group of slaves and when they tried to free others and refuse to work the British forces attacked, thus the Maroon war began and it ended with treaties that favoured the Jamicans and would be the first domino to fall in what would eventually lead to the British Empire totally ending slavery in 1834. All thanks to the heroic, selfless and brave act of Nanny of the Maroons standing up for her rights.


This story highlights that we at Bushey Meads embrace, and encourage enriching History, equality and diversity with all of our school community.

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