Learning Disability Football

Learning Disability Football

Emma Rollings
Emma Rollings
Learning Disability Football

On Wednesday 15th June a group of students from Learning Support attended a football match against Heathlands School in St.Albans. The match is part of a league for schools with students that have additional needs, it provides a fantastic opportunity for further development and an inclusive environment.

The match provided an experience for both our students and Healthland’s students to play against individuals that they may not usually and provides an environment and potential league for less abled students.

Our students played extremely well in their experience of a competitive match and equipped themselves very well against a very strong team coming away with a win and a draw.

There were some fantastic football skills on display and it was a great afternoon for everyone involved!

Well done to E.Harut, H.Buckridge, B.Hughes, Z.Pearson, T.Bracewell, J.Foyster, A.Apikian and B. Lamble.

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