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Mobile Phones in School

Mobile Phones in School

Helen Blowers
Helen Blowers
Mobile Phones in School

In line with the latest guidance and in common with the vast majority of schools across the country, we are strengthening our Behaviour Policy to further minimise the risks highlighted in the latest DfE guidance related to cyber bullying, peer on peer abuse and misuse of social media and electronic devices.

To that end, as from September 2022 mobile phones will be banned from being visible on the school site between the hours of 8.40 am to 3.05 pm. Mobile phones do make students vulnerable and recent thefts and muggings have reinforced this fact. We would advise students not to bring mobile phones to school but, if they do, the phone must be turned off and in a bag (not a pocket).

Any phone seen on the school site will be confiscated and kept in the Pastoral Office until a parent and carer can arrange collection during school hours (8.00 am – 4.30 pm). Please note that if a phone is confiscated on a Friday it may only be collected from school from the following Monday.

By expecting our students to have their phones turned off, we can try to eliminate the very distracting element of having an unread message on the phone. This does not mean you cannot contact your student during the school day. If the message is urgent, you can email or call reception and we can get a message to your student.

If your student needs to contact you during the school day, they will be given permission in the pastoral office. Quite often we find that we can offer help there and then, whether it is a ripped uniform (surprisingly frequent!) or a forgotten kit. We have a range of supplies in the pastoral office. If the support needed is more emotional, we will be able to offer comfort immediately.

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