Marking and Feedback Fortnight 3

Marking and Feedback Fortnight 3

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Marking and Feedback Fortnight 3

After half term our school community once again has a focus on one of the most powerful levers to secure outstanding progress – marking and feedback and, in our third Marking and Feedback fortnight of the year, we hope to celebrate all that is great about our continued practice in this area.

One of the benefits of embracing online learning has been the way so many staff have diversified their approach to providing feedback. Verbal ‘motes’ are now used more frequently, as is live feedback to students through marking on google documents as they work in real time.

Acting Lead Practitioner Mrs Hoskins introduced the fortnight in Staff Briefing on Monday morning by reminding all staff of the focus on blended marking – a powerful mix of an in-book and online approach to providing students with meaningful feedback.

Students have their part to play as well. All students must have a purple pen so that they can re-draft pieces of work appropriately, they must ensure all feedback stickers are fully completed, their presentation needs to meet expectations – with all titles underlined in colour using a ruler, their work must be dated and all diagrams and pictures should be coloured in and labelled carefully.

As parents and carers do check your children’s work and exercise books to ensure that they are ready for this important fortnight in our school calendar when they return after the half term break.

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