Laws Strangest Cases
Hannah Barry, year 12 law student, has ‘Stepped up to the Challenge’ by researching the strangest cases in law.
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Hannah Barry, year 12 law student, has ‘Stepped up to the Challenge’ by researching the strangest cases in law.
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
At the end of the Spring term, teachers in the humanities and social sciences faculty like to look back at what has been achieved so far this year. It may be a more unusual year...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
This week has been a sensational ‘Festival of Flair’. Students have been showcasing their Flair in an array of subjects across all key stages. During CDC sessions, our very own...
Posted by Lauren Wright
We’ve had a brilliant Flair Week in the Performing & Visual Arts Faculty, celebrating the students’ talents and initiative to take on leadership roles within the...
Posted by Eliz Noyan
As we celebrate Flair Week across the school, the English department thought it would be a great opportunity to remind all of our students of our former Head Girl Amira Izhar, who...
Posted by Sara-Luise Smith
As we know there are many students working in Technology, Computing, IT and Childcare with excellent skills and make outstanding effort to succeed. This week the staff were...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
This week, as you know, has been Flair Week across the school, with the theme of ‘Initiate’. Here in the English department, we have been busy engaging with a range of activities...
Posted by Sara-Luise Smith
The Spring term is coming to an end, a term where Humanities, and other departments have had to experiment and explore lots of different ways of learning. Throughout these few...
Posted by Sandra Kinghorn
Maths students have been really embracing Flair Week, taking part in the myriad activities happening in lessons. Student leaders prepared a set of maths puzzles for teachers to...
Posted by James Donovan
Karris and Jonathan devised an activity in CDC time on Wednesday to motivate their peers to complete a challenging task. The students were given the task of stacking 7...
Posted by David Chalkley
At the end of the Spring term, teachers in the humanities and social sciences faculty like to look back at what has been achieved so far this year. It may be a more unusual year...
Being able to run a school trip again and take learning outside of the classroom was an absolute joy! On Thursday 31st March 2022, in unexpectedly snowy conditions, 100 year 7...