Sycamore House Update

Sycamore House Update

Adam Lyley
Adam Lyley
Sycamore House Update

With our recent theme of the week on ‘Cooperation’, it was a great way to begin our House assemblies by highlighting all the ways in which Bushey Meads School has come together to help those less fortunate. To highlight just a few examples, last year’s food drive and most recently with the BMS Christmas shoebox appeal (see below), orchestrated by Willow’s Head of House, Miss Budd, succeeded in raising a total of 163 boxes toward Samaritans Purse UK! It was truly inspiring to see students across the school contributing thoughtfully to a greater cause.

This term however Bushey Meads have opted for a different approach in working collaboratively to help others. As part of an upcoming charity fundraiser, Heads of House have run assemblies by asking students to vote for a charity that they believe needs our support most. Students were asked to vote for one national and one local charity, with a choice of Cancer Research UK and Plan International in the national category and New Hope and Peace Hospice Care in the local.

In the spirt of coming together, it was a privilege this week to host a joint assembly with Mr Symeou and 5 students from 13 Sycamore for both Oak and Sycamore Houses. Each student (captioned below) delivered a short ‘spiel’ on their chosen charity, highlighting what it was and why students should vote accordingly. All students exhibiting great confidence, particularly in performing before such a large audience, which certainly sparked the curiosity and relevance to Bushey Meads students. As form tutor to 13 Sycamore I was incredibly proud of all 5 presenters for taking the opportunity in their stride.

Students and staff responding to Elin’s presentation on the number of people in the room affected by Cancer.

Oak and Sycamore students seen voting for their chosen charity on the way out of assembly.

Captured from left to right: Jay, Daniel, Elin, Jack and Michael.

Finally, I would like to take a moment to highlight the upcoming Bushey Meads Arts Event, taking place Wednesday April 18th. There are seven categories to participate in, so make sure you have your entry in by Monday 19th March. Best of luck!

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