BSJT Teacher Toolkit

BSJT Teacher Toolkit

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
BSJT Teacher Toolkit
Following the success of the recent Bushey St James Trust annual conference held at the end of October, on Wednesday of this week all three schools in the Multi Academy Trust (MAT) held their first Teacher Toolkit to build on the momentum created at the event.
At Bushey Meads Associate Leader Mr Obamakin reminded colleagues of the theme of the year and focussed us on three words Collaboration, Consistency and Culture. He encouraged us all to spend the planning time set aside in different faculties across the school to embed some of the hugely positive strategies and ideas that we gained in the keynote speech and in workshops delivered by expert practitioners from across the MAT held on the conference day last month.
He also shared some of the very positive feedback provided by colleagues which inspired us all to continue our exciting journey of school improvement and strengthen our pedagogy and practice by working together during the toolkit session.

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