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Yr10 GCSE Art 2 email of 2

Yr10 GCSE Art 2 email of 2

Tejal Mistry
Tejal Mistry
Yr10 GCSE Art 2 email of 2

The year 10 GCSE Art groups have been off to a flying start this term expanding their “artistic palette” on their first GCSE project based on Identity. They have been busy working into their sketchbooks researching and analysing other artists, creating their own responses and developing thoughtful and aesthetically pleasing presentations in their sketchbooks.  


The students have been busy drawing, painting and using other forms of related media (including mixed media such as collage) accompanied by workshops and discussions to help them understand the ideas and processes explored. 


This week they have been exploring the artists Frida Kahlo and Kehinde Wiley, painting pastiches (direct copies) of these artists, developing their own responses through photoshoots and drawings and discovering more about the artists through research and analysis of their work. 


Well done Year 10, a great start to the term so far and a pleasure to be working with such engaged students.

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