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Year 8 Dancers turned Synchronised Swimmers

Year 8 Dancers turned Synchronised Swimmers

Eliz Noyan
Eliz Noyan
Year 8 Dancers turned Synchronised Swimmers

In this final term of the academic year, Key Stage 3 are focusing on creating dance work inspired by the Olympics.

The 2020 Summer Olympic Games were postponed last year because of Covid, but will now take place in the Japanese capital starting July 23rd.

Year 8 classes had a lesson this week based on the Olympic sport, Synchronised Swimming. The students watched and analysed Russia’s routine that won them Gold at the 2012 London Olympics and used this as inspiration for their own routines.

When performing we got creative with the help of a spare piece of blue material lent to us by Ms Pattni, this became our very own pool. The only thing missing were swimming caps and exaggerated waterproof makeup.

It was amazing to see the students have fun and strengthen their communication, problem solving and leadership skill sets, all linking to the theme of this week, Teamwork.

Below are some videos and pictures of our Year 8 dancers…now synchronised swimmers.

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