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Year 6 Students from Hartsbourne Primary School and Little Reddings School Master the Art of One Pot Spaghetti Ragu

Year 6 Students from Hartsbourne Primary School and Little Reddings School Master the Art of One Pot Spaghetti Ragu

Alison Hanbury
Alison Hanbury
Year 6 Students from Hartsbourne Primary...

Hartsbourne Primary School and Little Reddings School enjoyed their cooking lesson this week as part of the secondary school experience week. Year 6 students learned the art of cooking a delicious one pot spaghetti ragu. The engaging session proved to be a delightful experience as the young chefs showcased their skills and creativity while ensuring safe practice in the kitchen by using their new skill of bridge and claw when chopping the onions and mushrooms

I think we have some budding chefs in BSJT!

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