Year 12 Work Shadowing
Covid has affected many things in our life and we have all had to learn how to adapt and work around things. This was very much the story when we tasked our year 12 students...
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Covid has affected many things in our life and we have all had to learn how to adapt and work around things. This was very much the story when we tasked our year 12 students...
Posted by Di Mcildowie
As part of the whole school enrichment day, Year 10 had an exciting RE and PE day planned for them. In one of the RE sessions, the students were discussing some very thought...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
On Tuesday 13th July year 7 students were extremely lucky to have a virtual meeting with Paralympic athlete and medallist Mel Clarke. Mel is a hugely successful international...
Posted by Sarah Cooper
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is believed to have been written by William Shakespeare between 1590 and 1596. It involves four young lovers called Hermia, Helena, Demetrius and...
Posted by Natalie Stanton
Last Monday the Maths Department held our award ceremony for the students who had competed in the Mathletics competition. Students in years 7 and 8 entered into the competition...
Posted by Jessica Samuels-Redhead
It has been a busy week in the art department with renovations and new floors being laid in our rooms, taster lessons, year 6 transition lessons, competitions and artist workshops...
Posted by Aya Speker
As part of a Hertfordshire schools initiative we were invited to be part of a transition project with some selected year 7 students. The project aimed to provide opportunities for...
Posted by Sarah Cooper
In last week’s newsletter you will have read the article about the amazing day our Year 7 students had in school as part of their Enrichment Day – a day focussed on creative...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Our annual, prestigious, Rewards Evening was scheduled for Thursday 1st July and due to the restrictions, the event had to be celebrated virtually. Despite not being able to meet...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Little did I know that when I was appointed as Head of History in 1991, I would still be at the school 30 years later. So having reached this landmark I thought it time to retire...
Posted by Roger Newbold
Covid has affected many things in our life and we have all had to learn how to adapt and work around things. This was very much the story when we tasked our year 12 students earlier in the year to find work placements for a week. This is a challenge even in normal circumstances that can be very difficult to do, so when we were able to send over 100 students to actual placements and everyone else on various virtual placements we were overjoyed!
Students worked in a wide range of different businesses from Virtual Media and Healthcare to Solicitors, Dog Grooming, Engineering, Finance and much more.
Virat went to work at Kipling’s Motor Centre.
The staff commented how happy they were with Virat’s willingness to work and said he had fitted in really well. Virat really enjoyed working at the centre and although he does not want to get into Motor mechanics, he is interested in engineering so was enjoying the experience.
Georgia spent the week at Quantum Care in South Oxhey. During our visit to see Georgia we were delighted to see that she was absolutely loving her time there and was learning so much from the lovely residents at the centre. Georgia commented that she had spent the previous day with a gentleman that had fought in WW2 and he was telling her so many stories from his experience. Georgia is hoping to return to do some volunteer work with them. Staff have since emailed to say: I wanted to let you know that Georgia excelled in all areas while she was here.She was an absolute pleasure to have, and a credit to your school. She is welcome back anytime!
Well done Georgia!
Evies placement took place at UltiMutt Dog Groomers in Bushey, and this was one I was particularly envious of! The staff commented how incredibly impressed they were with Evie and they were shocked by how much she had learnt and was doing within a few days. Evie was rewarded by being able to take her own dog in for the day and giving him the pampering treatment!
Other placements included The Village Cafe, St Meryl’s Primary School, BMS IT Department, Reprographics and with the PE Faculty.
Many of our students were unable to find actual placements so they took part in virtual placements, either organised by themselves, through links sent by the Work Related Office or with the BMS virtual placement event. Companies such as National Grid, Uptree, Barclays Bank and NHS put together brilliant experiences for students to do within the comfort of their own home but gave them the opportunity to learn what it would be like to work within their company.
Align Engineering
Align is a joint venture of three international and privately-owned infrastructure companies; Bouygues Construction, Sir Robert McAlpine, and VolkerFitzpatrick.
They are building the infrastructure for the HS2 high speed train link to run from Euston to Birmingham and then on to Manchester and eventually Scotland. Nine of our students participated in a week-long work experience which was a combination of virtual tasks and a visit to the HS2 site on the final day.
The students really enjoyed the experience and the site visit was the icing on the cake.
One commented that it is amazing that it will take three years to build the tunnel and only three minutes to pass through it in the new train.
Feedback from parents following the week:
Nima found the whole week’s journey at work very insightful and enjoyable. He gained confidence and maturity and the experience has opened his eyes to other career avenues and prospects.
I watched my daughter grow throughout the week. The employer gave her tasks where she had to work on her own initiative and it was a pleasure to see her coming home increasing in confidence and ability.
Examples of Employer feedback:
Laura was responsible and could be relied upon to carry out whatever activity was asked of her. It was lovely to see her grow in confidence over the week and the staff really appreciated her proactive approach as she saw that jobs needed doing and stepped in to complete them.
Luke has been a tremendous help to us this week. His quick thinking and logical approach has been super helpful. Always raring to go he will no doubt succeed in whatever path he chooses to follow.
A huge well done to all of our year 12 students who went the extra mile to succeed in the workplace last week. You were a credit to yourselves and to Bushey Meads.
Mrs McIldowie and Ms Jackman
As the UK ‘reopens’ and we start thinking about what to do during our summer hols, the humanities and social sciences faculty have some ideas of things to do and places to go this...
The University of Hertfordshire are hosting a Student Finance Parents’ Information Evening on Wednesday 3rd April 19:30-21:00. We recognise that the cost of university is a major...