Year 10 Enrichment Day
As part of the whole school enrichment day, Year 10 had an exciting RE and PE day planned for them. In one of the RE sessions, the students were discussing some very thought...
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As part of the whole school enrichment day, Year 10 had an exciting RE and PE day planned for them. In one of the RE sessions, the students were discussing some very thought...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
On Tuesday 13th July year 7 students were extremely lucky to have a virtual meeting with Paralympic athlete and medallist Mel Clarke. Mel is a hugely successful international...
Posted by Sarah Cooper
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is believed to have been written by William Shakespeare between 1590 and 1596. It involves four young lovers called Hermia, Helena, Demetrius and...
Posted by Natalie Stanton
Last Monday the Maths Department held our award ceremony for the students who had competed in the Mathletics competition. Students in years 7 and 8 entered into the competition...
Posted by Jessica Samuels-Redhead
It has been a busy week in the art department with renovations and new floors being laid in our rooms, taster lessons, year 6 transition lessons, competitions and artist workshops...
Posted by Aya Speker
As part of a Hertfordshire schools initiative we were invited to be part of a transition project with some selected year 7 students. The project aimed to provide opportunities for...
Posted by Sarah Cooper
In last week’s newsletter you will have read the article about the amazing day our Year 7 students had in school as part of their Enrichment Day – a day focussed on creative...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Our annual, prestigious, Rewards Evening was scheduled for Thursday 1st July and due to the restrictions, the event had to be celebrated virtually. Despite not being able to meet...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Little did I know that when I was appointed as Head of History in 1991, I would still be at the school 30 years later. So having reached this landmark I thought it time to retire...
Posted by Roger Newbold
Fancy yourself as the next James Bond? Your dream could become a reality after GCHQ, the government intelligence agency which works with MI5 and MI6, visited French and Spanish...
Posted by Hilarie Charles
As part of the whole school enrichment day, Year 10 had an exciting RE and PE day planned for them.
In one of the RE sessions, the students were discussing some very thought provoking and challenging views linked to euthanasia.
Karris from 10 Maple said the following:
In my first lesson I learnt about euthanasia and it was a very interesting and intriguing lesson as there were various opinions allowing everyone to debate there choices. It was also very engaging and fun as there were many activities like, ordering points for and against euthanasia. In the lesson, there were a lot of conversations about how people feel about euthanasia and if it should be legal or illegal. It was a fascinating lesson as it had elements of of how different religions believe different things.
In another RE session, students were presented with various theories linked to our creation, eg The Big Bang!
Karris said the following about this session:
In my second lesson, we learnt about creation which was something closely related to science and it was very enjoyable and challenging as the big bang theory has more to it than just a large explosion. I learnt many new words and also learnt how different religions believe different stories of how God created the world and some of these stories are extremely different. It was also very fun as we drew the yin and yang and labelled it. Furthermore we watched various videos explaining different views and aspects of creation.
The third RE session was all about Philosophy.
Scarlett from 10 Elm said the following:(please could you insert a picture of Scarlett)
I really enjoyed the lesson. We learnt about what Philosophy is – basically, the study of everything unknown. We talked about if we thought God was real or not. We looked at the evidence and opinions of people related to the topic, then had a debate to see what people in the class thought. It was really fun and I would enjoy doing it again.
The rest of the sessions in the day were delivered by our fantastic PE team and their Year 12 work experience students. There was such a great variety of sports and activities on offer for the students, such as tennis, table tennis, football, basketball, softball, badminton and even a workout in our wonderful Body, Mind and Soul Gym.
The students were all fully engaged and enjoying all of the activities and I am sure this enrichment day was a very memorable one for our Year 10 students. Well done to all of our students and of course the staff who delivered all of the sessions.
This day provided year 7 students the opportunity to study subjects available to them at either key stage 4 or 5. Each student attended a one hour workshop. Thisana in 7 Sycamore...
On Thursday 1st December our Y13 students were provided with the opportunity of a mock interview in order to prepare themselves for either the world of work or higher education....