Year 12 D&T off to a Flying Start!
This term, Year 12 D&T A-Level students have been challenged with developing some advanced skills. Poppie, Vera and Ema have been upskilling themselves by learning how to...
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This term, Year 12 D&T A-Level students have been challenged with developing some advanced skills. Poppie, Vera and Ema have been upskilling themselves by learning how to...
Posted by Niralee Pattni
Y12 students have celebrated Black History Month by considering a range of areas related to minority issues in modern UK politics. Students have studied the ‘participation crisis’...
Posted by Giles Monks
On Friday 1st October Year 10 students had a variety of experiences offered by the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty for Enrichment Day. Luke and I chose History, being one...
Posted by Adam Lyley
The Black Niño Brothers were a family of sailors of African descent from the town of Moguer, Spain and were seasoned navigators who made Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to the...
Posted by Ama Bartholomew
This week’s pioneers for Black History Month are individuals who are talking over the film industry behind the scenes. You might have seen some of their films or even...
Posted by Michael Besisira
This year the English Faculty will be honouring Charles Dickens by promoting his novels each month in the BMS newsletter. With Year 8 currently studying his work, it seems...
Posted by Natalie Stanton
On Monday, three of our long standing anti-bullying ambassadors joined the Senior Leadership Team in the Executive Principal’s office to share some of the great work they...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Last week, we had some of our wonderful Sixth Form students helping out with our preparations to support the NHS colleagues who delivered Covid vaccines available for students....
Posted by Giles Monks
After a year hiatus, the House Arts competition returns to Bushey Meads School. For those of you that may not have experienced this amazing event and for those that need...
Posted by Unami Tenga
JR: Chronicles The answers are out there for you, as long as you want to educate yourself! Black Lives Matter, is a movement that originated in July 2013, after the acquittal of...
Posted by Gabriela Zhelyazkova
This term, Year 12 D&T A-Level students have been challenged with developing some advanced skills. Poppie, Vera and Ema have been upskilling themselves by learning how to pattern draft for themselves. This is a very tricky skill and trained pattern cutters take years and years to master it so hats off to them for giving it a good go!
In addition, students have been set a brief, to investigate and design a piece, fitting for a restaurant of their choice. Students have had to write their own context, explore the theme themselves and produce perspective drawings, in order to design their final solutions! Next week they will be presenting their designs through individual pitches!
Watch this space for more info on how it goes!
In Mr Burnell’s Year 7’s Technology class the students were carefully watching a very informative video about the use of sensors in everyday life. They gained additional new...
It was a real pleasure to see the year 7 students working so well in their D&T lessons this week. Throughout the year the students will have the opportunity to experience...