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Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition

Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition

Alison Hanbury
Alison Hanbury
Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition

The Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition group carried out their first food science investigation today. The NEA 1 food science investigation is back on the curriculum after it was taken away during covid.

The live brief was released by the exam board AQA on September 1st and the group has been working hard researching and preparing their hypothesis for the investigations.

This year the students have to ‘Investigate the functional and chemical properties of pasta ingredients which could include the addition of natural colourings and flavourings’ . They have researched the ingredients and the method of making pasta. Now they have to investigate which ingredients will give the best results.

They have approached the task with excellent maturity and tenacity to complete the assessment within our time constraints.

I look forward to assessing the hard work of the students.

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