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Year 10 Work Experience 2023

Year 10 Work Experience 2023

Donna King
Donna King
Year 10 Work Experience 2023

Earlier this month all of our year 10 students had the opportunity to experience the workplace.


Students thoroughly enjoyed the change of routine and being given the opportunity to try new skills in the workplace, such as self-confidence, communication, independence and teamwork, depending on what kind of placement they did.


Students worked in a wide range of different industries including retail, education, banking, local council, legal sector, catering, beauty, – just to name a few.


The students below enjoyed a worthwhile experience working in the retail sector.











Student comments

“I have had a huge boost in confidence and have grown my communication skills a long way.”

“I really enjoyed interviewing the patients and finding out where different medical fields take you”

“I learnt lots about the field and I’m potentially interested in working in travelling.”

“I had to use confidence and act mature when meeting clients. I have learnt I have the ability to leave my comfort zone.”

Many of our local preschools, nursery and infants schools offered placements, alongside our Trust Schools, lending their support for our students to learn about the education sector. 

 Some of our students enjoyed working in various departments within our own school – thank you to the members of staff who supported the work experience programme. Ben Rutter worked alongside Mrs Turton in the  Library , Kayla Smith in the Dance Department with Mrs Bragoli and Sebastin Carey in Reprographics with MIss Bott.


                        “Thank you to both of you and to the school for letting Ben do his work                                            experience in the school library. He’s got so much out of helping this week and it’s also boosted his confidence. Thank you for providing a variety of tasks / activities for him to do. He’s really enjoyed helping and has found it better being in a familiar environment.”


  “ We have loved having you with us .. The Children have really enjoyed making beautiful creations with you, even those who usually don’t join in with this activity”… from Knutsford Community preschool 


Thank you so much for placing my son at Gristwood on the back of his placement and loving the work he did so much he has applied for a course at college to follow a career path in arboriculturist.”

We also had students working at organisations from Blue chip employers like Tesco, Premier Inn, Taylor Wimpey and The Hilton hotel, to family run businesses – Tudorken Pharmacy, Gristwood and Toms (tree surgeons), Local business – Shenley Park Trust, Boots the chemist, Watford FC, HCC libraries, Wirebox,Warner Brothers, Harvester, Glow in One, The Entertainer, Communities 1st, Watford Sheltered Workshop Ltd and many many more. Not forgetting those students who found their own placements with British Airways, St Luke’s Hospice, Elstree Aerodrome, Flourish, Xerox, Ralph Lauren to mention a few.











The overriding feedback from employers was that our students were a credit to themselves and our school.

 Below are some of the lovely comments received from employers:-

  • This student has been a credit to himself and the school.
  • All of our staff have commented on the hard working attitude of the 2 student
  • Your student was positive and helpful and what a pleasure they have been to have there helping out


Well done Year 10 for an outstanding week of work experience and for being amazing ambassadors for Bushey Meads.

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