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Year 10 Skills Based Project

Year 10 Skills Based Project

Fiona Amao
Fiona Amao
Year 10 Skills Based Project

The Year 10 3D design students have been honing their design skills in preparation for the Non Examined Assessment (NEAs) project which contributes 50% to their final grade

They have been practising skills like isometric drawing of their designs and using CAD and CAM.

They have also made sketch models with cardboard as well as marking out and cutting joints with precision and accuracy, using 3D printing to make components like hinges.

The pictures show a selection of work from the lessons.

The Contextual challenges for this year’s NEAs are:

  • Preparing For Emergencies
  • Outdoor Living
  • Keeping Fit and Active

We look forward to seeing the exciting and creative ideas that the students come up with.


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