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Working with Meadow Wood School

Working with Meadow Wood School

Sarah Cooper
Sarah Cooper
Working with Meadow Wood School

Girls in Year 9 have been working on sports leadership in their PE classes this term.  Looking at the qualities that make a good leader.  They have designed, developed and delivered small lessons and discussed ways lessons can be adapted to suit the needs of a wide range of abilities.

To support this learning we have been lucky enough to work with neighbouring Special School Meadow Wood.  This collaboration has allowed BMS students to interact and engage with the students at Meadow Wood and help and assist in one of their PE lessons.

The opportunity has been snapped up by BMS students who have been keen to engage and gain valuable life experience working with severely disabled students.

So far 8 students have been lucky enough to participate in the sessions with more to follow in the coming months.

Students have led sessions in either cheerleading or target skills and have been asked to focus on both the physical and sensual requirements of the MW students.

It has been a real privilege for staff in both schools to watch the interaction between the students and see how the relationships have been initially fostered and then further developed during the lesson.  Working independently with students with very little communicative skills has had its challenges for the BM students but they have adapted and learnt the best ways to interact and towards the end of their lessons have begun to take lead and use their initiative in the activities they have been delivering.

Big congratulations should go to : K.Branigan, M.Portas, B.Prosser, E.Payne, B.Coste, F.Bosselli, and H.Barry for their mature and conscientious approach in what can be a very challenging and emotional environment.

The photos show some of the activities students worked on in this weeks lesson.

I look forward to working with more collaboration between BMS year 9 and Meadow Wood ladybirds class after half term.
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