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Scientist of the Week – Issue 36

LRC Recommended Read – Issue 36
Natasha: I’m a girl who believes in science and facts. Not fate. Not destiny. Or dreams that will never come true. I’m definitely not the kind of girl who meets a cute boy on a...

Eco Tip of the Week – Issue 36

Student Parliament Meeting
On February 1st we held another successful Student Parliament meeting led by the Deputy Head Team, that despite the snow had a fantastic turn out. This half term’s meeting was...

Kindness Thought of the Week – Issue 36

Regional Heats of, ‘The Great Big Dance Off’
On Thursday 31st January the dance department took 40 students to perform at the regional heats of, ‘The Great Big Dance Off’ at The Beck Theatre, Hayes. The GBDO started in 2013...

PE Health and Health Faculty News (31st Jan – 7th Feb 2019)
NEWS The BMS PE and Health Faculty prides itself on promoting sport for all and encouraging all of our students to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. In addition an extensive range...

Outstanding Class Expert
Aman 7 Elm was the class expert for the Year 7 google logo design lesson and actually taught the other students at key parts of the lesson. He was awarded an R2 for his major...

Higher Level Technologists
Our A Level students were researching and revising in preparation for their PPEs, going over some of the complex concepts related to Anthropometric Data and its use in real life...