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Webinar for Apprenticeships in the NHS

Webinar for Apprenticeships in the NHS

Di Mcildowie
Di Mcildowie
Webinar for Apprenticeships in the NHS

Apprenticeship Webinar – Operating Department Practitioner (ODP)

Thursday 01 April 2021 @ 3pm to 4pm

Register on Eventbrite at:

Earn and learn with your university fees paid for you – This webinar will provide you with an insight to the role of an Operating Department Practitioner (ODP), and explain how you could train to become an ODP via our apprenticeship programme.

During this webinar we will look at:

  1. The role of an ODP
  2. How to apply
  3. Education & support we provide
  4. Information about our affiliated university ODP programme
  5. How to manage working and studying at the same time
  6. Hear from staff already working at CUH as an ODP – Lean more about what a typical day in the life of an ODP might look like
  7. Interactive Q&A session

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH) is committed to the development and progression of all our staff through a range of learning, education and training routes. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and expertise.

This apprenticeship is a degree level apprenticeship and as such has some very specific entry criteria:

  1. English and maths at GCSE, grade 9-4 (old grading A-C) or level 2 functional skills equivalent.
  2. Evidence of level 3 (or equivalent) study
  3. Overseas candidates: Have a minimum of 3 years EU residency (ESFA funding rulings)

The role of the ODP
Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs) are registered healthcare professionals specialising in caring for people of all ages before, during & after surgery. Operating Department Practice involves the holistic care of the perioperative service user’s specific physical and psychological needs during surgical intervention which includes the Anaesthesia, Surgical and Post Anaesthetic Care phases.

ODPs therefore mainly work in operating departments They work alongside other professionals (such as doctors and nurses) and take a lead role in ensuring a service user is safe during each stage of a service user’s journey through the operating theatre. ODPs must continually make professional decisions to ensure the service user receives the best care before, during and after their surgery. ODPs also ensure that the operating theatre environment is safe and effective and therefore have expertise in the management of specialist equipment & materials in a highly technical environment, for example handling surgical instruments, checking anaesthetic equipment, moving service users and giving medication. ODPs must demonstrate confidence, compassion, competence & effective judgement as they are responsible for their decisions. They must use evidence based practice to inform & evaluate the effectiveness of the actions they take with the aim of continually improving outcomes for service users. They are responsible for ensuing their own professional knowledge and skills through continuous professional development (CPD) & support the development of others.

If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Miss McIldowie.

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