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We are all ‘Only Human’ but we can all be ‘Decent’!

Stephanie Knowles
Stephanie Knowles
We are all ‘Only Human’ but we can all be...

The week beginning 24th April was Humanities Week 2023 and the theme this year was ‘Being Human’.  

During Humanities lessons, key stage three completed some tasks that focused upon the theme and Mr Burley, Acting Head of Humanities and Social Sciences, delivered assembly.  Within the assembly, Mr Burley focused upon how with the power all humans have, comes great responsibility, not only for ourselves but for each other and the planet.   His assembly begun with the Michael Jackson video, ‘Earth Song’ and, although now over twenty years old, the messages of the human impact on the environment remain as relevant as in 1995.  Mr Burley provided some tips on how we could all ‘step up our humanity’, perhaps by joining a charity, helping out, giving to a food bank or even picking up litter to take care of our environment and protect the wildlife. The assembly ended with the quote:  “It costs nothing to be a decent human being” – a message for all to take with them to ensure as a community of humans, we support each other, care for each other and are responsible for not only humans but also the planet.

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