French and Spanish came alive again on Enrichment day
by Lily-Rose (Year 10). On the Year 10 option subjects enrichment day, I had a really lovely time learning in greater depth about the language that I study. The first task was...
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by Lily-Rose (Year 10). On the Year 10 option subjects enrichment day, I had a really lovely time learning in greater depth about the language that I study. The first task was...
Posted by Hilarie Charles
Last Friday, 45 Year 11 students travelled to Milton Keynes Theatre with Mr Carter, Miss Collins, Ms Court, Mrs Famili, Mr Burley, Mrs Hughes, Ms Gray and Ms Malik to watch an...
Posted by Anthony Carter
This week saw the highly anticipated launch of the House Arts event. Students have the opportunity to enter the competition in a number of categories: Art Dance Drama Music...
Posted by Richard Ash
Thank you to the vast majority of parents and carers who park sensibly to drop off their children in the mornings and to collect them in the afternoons. Unfortunately, last week...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
During our enrichment day, Year 8 took part in the design and technology challenge ‘Mission to Mars’. Students were given the task of creating a Mars rover that was able to carry...
Posted by Charlotte Hewitt
We’re excited to announce that Elevate Education will be hosting a free webinar for our parents on Tuesday 11th October. Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high...
Posted by Helen Blowers
Last Friday the school was buzzing with activity for our first whole school enrichment day of the Year. These days are designed to support and enrich the already varied curriculum...
Posted by Tracy Greenwood
Internationally renowned theatre company work with year 10 on Enrichment Day Last week our year 10 GCSE dance and drama students were given the opportunity to work with...
Posted by Greg Knowles
PE Year 10 Enrichment Day activities The first Enrichment Day of the year saw the Year 10 Sports Studies group attend the annual days sailing and raft building with the Bury Lake...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Thank you to the vast majority of parents and carers who park sensibly to drop off their children in the mornings and to collect them in the afternoons.
Unfortunately, last week there was an accident on Coldharbour Lane in front of the school where a student was hit by a car. Thankfully the student was not seriously hurt but it reminds us all of the importance of parking with consideration and with student’s safety in mind.
May we please remind all parents and carers when dropping off/collecting students to ensure that you:
To avoid congestion in front of the school we recommend that if you park further away from the school site and then the students can walk the rest of the way. We have suggested drop off points for the “Park and Stride” initiative as detailed below and would strongly recommend this to improve the safety of all our students.
At the end of last week all parents of children currently in Year 6 received information about their child’s secondary school allocation for September. This year again there...