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The Dragon’s  Den project

The Dragon’s Den project

Siew Young
Siew Young
The Dragon’s Den project

On 29th September 2023, Bushey Meads School had the first Enrichment Day for this academy year. The computing department took the opportunity to do the Dragon’s Den project with the Year 10 students.

The Year 10 students worked in groups with no more than two students in a group. They were to come up with their own company name, a relevant company logo, a product to sell, a profit and loss financial spreadsheet and a presentation to present to the imaginary dragons at the end of the day.

One group decided to open a gym called “Pump house”, another group decided to sell luxury cars, another group wanted to sell futuristic motorbikes and the girls’ group would like to sell beautiful plastic flowers and house-plants.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the activities and were so proud of their final work that they asked the teaching staff to email their work to the teaching staff who organised the Enrichment day.

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