You’ve Got Flair in the ARTS
We’ve had a brilliant Flair Week in the Performing & Visual Arts Faculty, celebrating the students’ talents and initiative to take on leadership roles within the...
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We’ve had a brilliant Flair Week in the Performing & Visual Arts Faculty, celebrating the students’ talents and initiative to take on leadership roles within the...
Posted by Eliz Noyan
As we celebrate Flair Week across the school, the English department thought it would be a great opportunity to remind all of our students of our former Head Girl Amira Izhar, who...
Posted by Sara-Luise Smith
As we know there are many students working in Technology, Computing, IT and Childcare with excellent skills and make outstanding effort to succeed. This week the staff were...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
This week, as you know, has been Flair Week across the school, with the theme of ‘Initiate’. Here in the English department, we have been busy engaging with a range of activities...
Posted by Sara-Luise Smith
The Spring term is coming to an end, a term where Humanities, and other departments have had to experiment and explore lots of different ways of learning. Throughout these few...
Posted by Sandra Kinghorn
Maths students have been really embracing Flair Week, taking part in the myriad activities happening in lessons. Student leaders prepared a set of maths puzzles for teachers to...
Posted by James Donovan
Karris and Jonathan devised an activity in CDC time on Wednesday to motivate their peers to complete a challenging task. The students were given the task of stacking 7...
Posted by David Chalkley
Posted by Daniela Bourke
This week marks the annual PE and Health Faculty Health week where we raise awareness about all aspects of the physical, emotional and social health of the BMS community. It has...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
About a year ago, during the February half term in 2020, I took on the challenge of trying to code a working game of Uno using Python Programming. After using the full week of...
Posted by Amita Vaghela
As we know there are many students working in Technology, Computing, IT and Childcare with excellent skills and make outstanding effort to succeed. This week the staff were focused on drawing even more flair out of the students!
As the GCSE Childcare year 11 class are nearing the end of their coursework, Mrs Bowyer asked Eloise and Emily to compile a quiz as revision for the class. The 2 girls have completed all of their coursework to a high standard, and I felt that they would both enjoy creating the quiz, and it would help them to focus on their revision. They spent the week going through their books from year 10 and year 11 to find all the relevant information that they felt would appear in their exam questions, and included all the topics covered.
‘As visual learners we have benefitted from creating this Kahoot! On topics that we have learnt throughout our GCSE course. After creating the quiz our class played it and this allowed us all to recap key vocabulary and information that will help us in future assessments.’
Eloise Homes 11 E and Emily Zambarloukos 11 B
They have mentioned their learning styles as this is the first topic studied in year 10, and it has helped them to focus their revision.
Both girls have shown flair throughout the 2 years, and both girls are planning to stay at school, for sixth form, to study Level 3 Child Care and Education.
Mrs Hanbury reached out to colleagues, friends and even a former BMS student who now works within the food industry to send a video message to her students telling them what motivated them to succeed.
They were; nutritional therapist, Laura Southern Chef and course leader at West Herts College, Andy Wakefield dietician, Caroline Baker and a former student Olivia Andrews who now runs a successful bakery! @oliviabakesx
This inspired the year 9’s to look at the traffic light food labels and cook a dish that meets the needs of the eat well guide.
The Year 11’s and 12’s focused on technical food skills needed for their NEA 2 and Unit 1 internally assessed assignment.
Within Textiles, we have been eager to get hands on and do some practical, to make use of all of the technique’s students have been learning about and to finally see their design ideas come to life!
We carefully planned some fantastic activities that were still possible, within the constraints of the H&S precautions we have been taking.
Year 9 students have been producing their own tie-dye t-shirts, incorporating their very own stencil designed screen print on the t-shirt too! Students have been using 2D design, which is a special design software, from which designs can be laser cut. I’m amazed at how quickly my students were able to pick up this tricky skill and I’m sure you’ll agree, they have been able to produce some fantastic outcomes!
Year 10 students have also been working on their practical skills, but have also been using their keen eyes to generate some outstanding printed fabric designs. They have been learnt how to use a simple mobile phone app, to transform a simple photograph into a super creative repeat design. Take a look at the examples below, made by Holly Harris, Megan Worley and Layla Handley. They are now transforming these beautiful printed fabrics into their very own makeup pouches, using some challenging techniques like quilting and sewing in a zip!
Year 11 have been pushing ahead with their coursework projects and boy oh boy do we have some exciting projects on the go! Every one of them has been working incredibly hard, but here are just a few examples of what they have been working on!
Jesse has been experimenting with thoughtful printed t-shirts, including a message to encourage positivity! Emer has been working very independently, to practice some different pocket styles.
Ella-Rose is proving to be a double threat with her artistic talent, combined with her textile’s skill. She has produced some unique designs and is experimenting with a wide variety of techniques to work out the best final design!
Elicia has painted her own fabric designs and will soon be transforming these into children’s wear!
Jhanavi and Poppie have really pushed themselves with an extremely challenging task of making a corset, and they are doing swimmingly!
Mariyah has been challenging herself with draping directly on the stand, Sophie has been trialing a technique called paper piecing, which is deceptively tricky and Vera persevered with some demanding rouleau loops!
There are so many incredibly talented students in D&T textiles, so do keep an eye out for future updates of all the excellent products and our designers on the horizon to watch out for!
The Vex Robotics competition is much more than just an engineering challenge. It can also be an emotional rollercoaster where team members experience stressful situations and must...
We’ve had a brilliant Flair Week in the Performing & Visual Arts Faculty, celebrating the students’ talents and initiative to take on leadership roles within the...