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Talented BMS Students Support Neighbouring School

Talented BMS Students Support Neighbouring School

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Talented BMS Students Support Neighbouring...

As a school we always like to reach out and support our local community and it was a real privilege on the last day of the previous half term for some of our talented musicians to go next door to Meadowood School and provide some live musical entertainment to support their Jubilee Party. It was real success and I was delighted to receive this message of thanks from Jane Rogers their Co-Chair of Governors

Dear Mr Turner, I have just returned from our Jubilee Party at Meadow Wood School and wanted to ask you to pass on my thanks to your talented musicians who provided live music for us. It is so nice for us to get back to some semblance of normality. These events are very important to our whole school community as it provides an opportunity for parents to meet each other and help us celebrate achievements together. Regards, Jane Rogers – Co-chair of Governors.

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