YC Hertfordshire Service

YC Hertfordshire Service

Di Mcildowie
Di Mcildowie
YC Hertfordshire Service

This academic year our YC Hertfordshire service is now up and running.  Our regular Personal Adviser is:

Heidi Snowdon – in school every Monday and Tuesday 

Heidi will be offering referred students one to one support on a regular basis as well as career advice and guidance.  Alternatively, students can arrange an appointment through myself or my assistant – Mrs Biggerstaff.

The YC Hertfordshire service is available to all students and for out of school advice and support please visit www.ychertfordshire.org to find details of your local YC Hertfordshire Access point, where you can directly message a Personal Adviser.



For all year groups we are required to pass on certain information to YC Hertfordshire services.  YC Hertfordshire are the local government’s information and advice service for young people.

Data Protection – if any parent is not happy about information being held on their son/daughter by any of the YC Hertfordshire support agencies, they need to let the school know in writing as soon as possible.

Parents can ask that no information beyond name and address be passed to YC Hertfordshire.  Please inform the school if you wish to opt out of this arrangement.  For more information about YC Hertfordshire please contact the Local Authority.

At the initial meeting with their Personal Adviser, young people should have the YC Hertfordshire privacy policy explained to them providing written details of the YC Hertfordshire privacy notice and collecting their consent to the sharing of information about themselves.

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