Excellence in Maths-UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge results

Excellence in Maths-UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge results

James Donovan
James Donovan
Excellence in Maths-UKMT Intermediate Maths...

Thirty Year 10 and 11 students were selected for this year’s Intermediate Maths Challenge. There were a fantastic 24 medal winners, including 7 golds! These 7 students are now through to the next stage, the Pink Kangaroo competition. We look forward to hearing of their accounts later on.


We also received great news about the prestigious Hamilton Olympiad competition in 2020. Vikyrthan Kirushnamoorthy entered and received a merit award. This would place Vikyrthan in a very high position nationally as a young Mathematician. Well done Vikrthan.
Vikrthan writes:

“The Hamilton Olympiad is a six-question challenge lasting two hours. The questions were hard to approach but I enjoyed the challenge! It was fun to do a different style of math questions. I prepared by doing UKMT past papers which helped me feel familiar with the questions during the challenge. I look forward to taking part in more UKMT challenges and improving my maths skills!”

Vikyrthan Kirushnamoorthy
11 Ash


Well done to all students who have taken part in the competitions.

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