Staff Survey Results – November 2020
So much work, from staff at all levels, has gone into making the school as Covid safe as possible whilst balancing the much needed return to learning and a sense of community and...
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So much work, from staff at all levels, has gone into making the school as Covid safe as possible whilst balancing the much needed return to learning and a sense of community and...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
At Bushey Meads our hardworking and dedicated staff are without a doubt our most valuable resource. Every year they take part in a comprehensive annual survey which is carefully...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At the end of one of the most challenging weeks in education last week it was inspiring and immensely encouraging to receive an email from one of the key middle leaders in our...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
So much work, from staff at all levels, has gone into making the school as Covid safe as possible whilst balancing the much needed return to learning and a sense of community and togetherness since our September return. The goal still remains for the school to work within the Government and Public Health England guidelines, whilst providing students with as broad a curriculum and learning experience as possible.
After experiencing the most unique and challenging first 8 weeks of the academic year for all of us in the Bushey Meads community, staff were given the opportunity to share their experiences, feelings and suggestions through a staff survey to review our systems and protocols.
It was extremely pleasing that 62 staff (40 teaching staff and 22 associate staff) responded to the survey and is testament to how involved our staff wanted to be in shaping how the school moves forward in terms of Covid safety. Below are some summary statements of the main findings:
Key Points
Times Staff Feel Safest
Statistics related to Wearing of Face Masks
Statistics related to the One-Way System
Statistics related to the Work Provided on Google Classroom
Statistics related to the Signage Around the School
Staff were given the opportunity to add comments and many staff did. These were all read carefully by the Senior Leadership Team and formed a big part of the discussions that followed all results being analysed. Many thanks to all the staff for taking the time to write these comments and for also making some positive suggestions. A small selection of these comments have been included below:
“I have no issues with being in school at all. I am very happy with all policies in place. I personally think it is so sad, and I cannot wait for Covid-19 to be a distant memory. I hope it will be a check on reality for us all, and how much we value each other and our families/friends/teaching/students… the list is endless”
“ Online parents evenings are triumphant and should be the way forward!”
“The adaptability and dedication of staff to keep such standards of teaching and learning high in such difficult times is amazing. The site staff and Admin support staff continue to be fantastic.”
“I don’t feel that the one way system is having much of a beneficial impact. Students are now all having to walk down H and F block corridor to get to most places in school. This is having the effect of forcing a lot of students into an enclosed space at the same time.”
“ When walking around the quad outside I feel that it is safer, although when moving through corridors at busier times, I feel that less comfortable.”
“Due to the one way system many students are now routinely arriving at lessons 5-10 minutes late and using the one way system as an excuse. This is obviously cutting into learning time.”
“I have been thinking that perhaps splitting each pathway in half and keeping the rule of walking on the left could provide a viable alternative to the one way system currently in place. This way, students and staff will still be able to travel around the school more efficiently, minimising their contact with other people. It is still keeping the flow around the school in a ‘one-way’ fashion, but simply doubling the use of the pathways.”
“Whilst the older years may have experienced many assembly themes and the formal start to the day, the younger years haven’t so the assemblies serve a very important purpose for these year groups in embedding the Bushey Meads culture.”
“ I was previously very uncomfortable with year group assemblies. This has improved slightly.”
“Assemblies should be recorded videos to be played in CDC time”
“I feel that the wearing of masks in learning situations could impede students and staff ability to communicate effectively, especially in regards to students with additional needs.”
“I do not agree with face masks in school at all. I think the school was very safe and have the correct policies in place. We just need to learn to live with this disease and look after each other.”
“When large groups are gathered, I think everyone should wear masks.”
“Could face masks be worn around school regardless of whether in a crowded area or not, therefore reduces anxiety with the students when in the classroom.”
Graphs and charts
Below are charts showing the results of all the questions from the survey.
What a great start the students have had this year! The vast majority of students have started the academic year showing great respect, are taking responsibility for their...
The first students started back at Bushey Meads School on Thursday 3rd September. These were the Year 7 and external Year 12 students so that they could familiarise themselves...